East Union Township Sewer Authority

The East Union Township Sewer Authority is a five person municipal authority that oversees the East Union Township Sewer Treatment Facility.

Meeting Information

The East Union Township Sewer Authority meets on the third Tuesday of each month at 6 p.m. at Township Building (10 E. Elm St. Sheppton PA 18248).

Contact Information

Phone: (570) 384-3125
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 245, Sheppton, PA 18248
Email: eutsewerauthority9@gmail.com

Payment Information

Sewer customers may place payments inside the drop box located outside the meeting room entrance to the municipal building at any time. These will be collected each day (Monday through Friday).

Sewer payments may still be mailed to the address above. Other payment arrangements may be made by contacting the Secretary at the above number or email.



Meeting Minutes

Meeting Agendas