The area to the rear of the East Union Township Complex is now closed for the season due to illegal dumping. This area is under video surveillance, and anyone caught dumping items other than organic materials will be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. We want to maintain this area as a resource for Township residents.

The Nuremberg Food Pantry, operated by the Twin County Lions, is having a Distribution this Saturday, August 17th from 9-11 AM. The distribution takes place at the North Union Twp. Bldg.  The pantry serves eligible residents of Union, East Union & North Union Twps. as well as Ringtown Boro. Clients who are already receiving Surplus from the Ringtown Pantry are not eligible for this distribution.

There is plenty of food in the Pantry to distribute! Spread the Word!

Eligibility is based on the following newly updated monthly household income:

1 person in household – $2,322 and below

2 people in household – $3,151 and below

3 people in household – $3,981 and below

4 people in household – $4,810 and below

5 people in household – $5,640 and below

6 people in household – $6,469 and below

7 people in household – $7,299 and below

8 people in household – $8,128 and below

9 + people in household; call for amounts.

Food will be distributed using a drive-thru process.

It is very important to follow driving directions when arriving at the pantry and REMAIN IN YOUR CAR. Twin County Lion volunteers will check you in and load your car.

Proof of residency is required.

All questions may be directed to Sue Driscoll, 570-579-8124.